9 grudnia 2024

Recognition by Lower Silesia Authority of Education of certificates and other documents which were obtained in foreign system of education

Legal basis:

  1. 93 – 93c of the Act of Educational System (dated September 7th, 1991) (Dz.U. 2022, Item. 2230 with later amendments),
  2. Act of Administrative Proceedings (dated June 14th 1960) ( Dz. U. 2023, Item. 775 with later amendments).
  3. Regulation of the Minister of Education (dated March 25th 2015) in case of proceedings to recognise certificates or another document or confirmation the achieved education or qualifications to continue the education (Dz. U. 2023, Item.1885)

Required documents:

  1. The application signed by the applicant (Appendix no. 1).
  2. Original or duplicate of certificate legalized by:
    a. consul of Republic of Poland appropriate for the country where the certificate was issued according of internal system of education, or
    b. authorities of the country where the certificate was issued or the certificate was issued according of internal system of education
    c. accredited in Republic of Poland or in another Member State of European Union, Member State of EFTA, Party of agreement EOG or Member State of OECD – diplomatic representative or Consular Office of the country where the certificate was issued according of internal system of education
  3. If the certificate was issued by the school or educational institution which is active in the system of education of the country, which is the Party of the Hague Convention, where the obligation of legalisation was abolished (Dz.U. 2005, No. 112, Item 938 and 939)
    a.the original of certificate or its duplicate with the stamp placed on the document or attached to the document apostille or
    b. the notarised copy of certificate with the stamp placed on the document or attached to the document apostille
  4. If the certificate doesn’t include the below information, to the application form it is necessary to attached:
    a. The list of the notes achieved on the graduated exam at the end of the school or educational institution or realised the stage of the education or confirmation that this kind of exam is not expected
    b. The list of subjects or other classes realised in the range of stage of education with the achieved notes
    c. Statement (Appendix no. 2) include:
  • the content of education process – issues realised in the range of each subject in education process
  • the scale of notes with indication of the highest and lowest note
  • the information how long takes the education
  1. Statement about obtained rights to continue the education on appropriate level in the country where the certificate was issued, included the rights to apply for adopting on the higher education and the range of these rights (Appendix no. 3).

The documents mentioned in point 4 and 5 should be issued or confirmed by the school or educational institution, which issued the certificate or confirmed by the educational authority of the country where the certificate was issued or was issued but in this system of education.

  1. The translation for polish language the original of certificate after its legalisation/original or notarised copy of certificate with apostille and also other documents prepared in polish language, realised by:
  • the sworn translator from the list of Ministry of Justice or
  • the person who is registered as the sworn translator in Member State of European Union, in Member State of EFTA, Party of agreement EOG or Member State of OECD or Member State of OECD or
  • the Consul of Republic of Poland appropriate for the country where the certificate was issued or was issued but in this system of education
  • accredited in Republic of Poland diplomatic representative or Consular Office of the country where the certificate was issued according of internal system of education
  1. The authorisation in the case when the applicant works by the attorney  (Appendix no. 4)
  2. The copy of the document which confirm the personal data of the owner of the certificate


The place of submitting of the documents:

Kancelaria Ogólna, Pokój 2007, Kuratorium Oświaty we Wrocławiu, Plac Powstańców Warszawy 1, 50-153 Wrocław.

The applicant is obliged to submitt the application with the documents selected in the correct order like in the application.

The way of informing the applicant about the realisation of the case.

The administrative decision and original of documents are sent by the post with the confirmation of acceptance by the address declared in application or these documents could be received in Kuratorium Oświaty by the applicant or by the other people possessed the authorisation. The person who receives the documents is obliged to confirm that in the acts of the case.

In the case, when the documents would be not completed (the lack of the documents determined in point 1-8) the applicant is called to supplement the formal lack of the documents in the determined term. If the applicant will not provide the expected documents, the application will stay without the analysis.

To the end of the nostrification process the party or the attorney is obliged to inform the legal authority about each change of the address. In case, to not realised this obligation the delivery of the document has the legal consequences.

In the case of the lack of the possibility to get or to confirm document expected by the list of attachment to the application, it is obliged to provide the document about refusing its issuing by the legal authority (school or educational institution, education authority where the certificate was issued or was issued but in this system of education or diplomatic representative or consular authority).

The applicant is obliged to send the all questions in legal language of Republic of Poland – polish.


Appendix no. 1 (doc) –application of recognition

Appendix no. 2 (docx) – template of certificate concerning the content of education

Appendix no. 3 (docx) – template of certificate concerning the permissions to continue the education/studying

Appendix no. 4 (doc) – authorization letter

Printable version (pdf)

Information Clause –  Klauzula informacyjna – wersja w j. angielskim(DOCX, 17KB)

Idź do góry

Klauzula informacyjna

Ponieważ przekazałeś nam swoje dane osobowe w przesłanej korespondencji papierowej, mailowej, telefonicznie lub osobiście mamy obowiązek poinformować Cię że:

  1. Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Dolnośląski Kurator  Oświaty z siedzibą we Wrocławiu, Plac Powstańców Warszawy 1, zwany dalej Administratorem;
  2. Dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu zrealizowania sprawy, z którą zwracasz się do nas;
  3. Posiadasz prawo do: żądania od Administratora dostępu do swoich danych osobowych, ich sprostowania, usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetwarzania danych osobowych, wniesienia sprzeciwu wobec takiego przetwarzania, przenoszenia danych, wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego, jeżeli wyraziłeś zgodę na przetwarzanie Twoich danych – cofnięcia zgody na ich przetwarzanie;
  4. Twoje dane osobowe nie podlegają zautomatyzowanemu podejmowaniu decyzji, w tym profilowaniu.

Pełna treść klauzuli informacyjnej znajduje się na stronie internetowej Kuratorium Oświaty we Wrocławiu, pod adresem:


a także w kancelarii, oraz sekretariatach wydziałów i delegatur Kuratorium


Information Clause

Because of giving your personal data over us, in sending paper corespondence, e-mail, by phone or personal, we are obliged to inform you that:

  1. the Administrator of your personal data will be Dolnośląski Kurator Oświaty with registered office in Wrocław, Plac Powstańców Warszawy 1, hereinafter ‘Administrator’;
  2. The personal data are processed to realise the case supplied to us;
  3. You have a right to: demand from Administrator the availability to your personal data, its rectification, remove or limit personal data, may object to this type of processing, transfer data, supply the complain to control authority if you express the consent for processing your data, back the consent for their processing;
  4. Your personal data are not undergoing to make automatic decision in this area.

The full content of this information clause is included on the website of Kuratorium Oświaty we Wrocławiu, under address https://kuratorium.ibip.wroc.pl/public/?id=119012

but also in Registrar’s Offices therein Divisions and Delegations of Kuratorium Oświaty we Wrocławiu.